Amanda Moreno

Amanda Moreno

Amanda Moreno is a therapeutic astrologer, soul worker, writer and teacher. Her adventures in these forms of “practical woo” are geared towards helping people to hear the call of their genius and bring it out into the world. Amanda’s hope is that as more people are empowered to transform their consciousness, move through deep grief, and integrate their shadows we’ll be able to create a society that is sustainable and supportive of all life. She has a long-standing commitment to keeping her work accessible, and has hosted monthly AstroCircles in Seattle for four years. Amanda graduated with a master’s degree in 2012. Her focus was on depth psychology, the ways apocalyptic imagery affects the psyche, and how astrology and ritual can be used to help people navigate personal and collective rites of passage or transformational periods. She has been practicing astrology for a decade and has training in shamanic practices, dream work and various somatic modalities. Her goal is to help you shift deeply entrenched patterns and gain perspective while also honoring the realities of the heart and body. For more information about Amanda, visit